Saturday, November 27, 2010

The simple joy of Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving: a national holiday celebrated as a day of feasting and giving thanks for divine favors or goodness, observed on the fourth Thursday of November in the U.S.

This definition is as completely true today as it was when the holiday first began. In my opinion, this cannot not be said for most other holidays. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE holidays. But Christmas, and even Easter, have become more about giving presents than what the actual holiday was originally celebrated for. The only present people give on thanksgiving is the present of being with family and friends. Whether its playing football, running in the Turkey Trot, or watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade together (followed shortly by the ever so entertaining annual dog show), its a tradition and that brings loved ones together. 

Now obviously, the main event of the day is the big thanksgiving feast. Because, lets be honest, food is the best way to bring people together(....duh, I mean who doesn't love food?) But no matter what is on the plate, people are eating together. They're sharing stories, laughing at funny moments, recalling good memories,  and enjoying each others company. That's what Thanksgiving is all about. Because its the simple happy moments shared with family and friends that are some of the best times of our lives. And honestly, I don't know what I could ever be more thankful for. 

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