Looking for a fun vintage way to spice things up? Chalkboard paint is your answer. You can paint anything and everything. And best of all, it's easy to do!
Recently my roommate had a great idea of a way to spice up our apartment. We got a large board at Home Depot and painted it with chalkboard paint. Now it sits above our couch and definitely adds fun to the room. We put wall sconces on the side of the board, but instead of flowers we filled them with chalk!
Another fun thing to do is chalkboard an entire wall! It looks unique and, unlike regular paint, if you get tired of it you can erase it for a new doodle! Here are some of my favorite chalkboard walls :)
This is a scene from the movie 500 Days of Summer. The entire wall behind his bed was chalkboard!
This otherwise boring and small kitchen is 10 times cooler because of the chalkboard wall.
Such a neat idea to fix an awkward space!
This would make any bathroom more fun!
If you don't want to paint an entire wall, what about a door, dresser, or even a refrigerator?
This is from one of my favorite kitchen sets in a movie... Because I Said So
This is such a neat way to use chalkboard paint!
How fun is this??
If any of these projects are too big, there is always the simple and creative framed chalkboards!
If you don't have a frame handy...draw one out of chalk!
Perfect in a wall collage of frames!
These are display plates with the center painted with chalkboard! Such a clever and creative way to spice up a kitchen!
Now, I have to include something that is 2 of my favorite things...
All these ideas are simple and fun. They are great weekend projects for you to do by yourself or invite friends to have a chalkboard craft day! The beauty of chalkboard is you can create anything on it. Draw a picture, display photos, write your favorite quotes, create grocery lists, etc. And once your tired of it? Erase it and create a brand new masterpiece! I hope you saw something that inspired you!