Thursday, July 7, 2011

Mirrors-They're so vain, they probably think this post is about them... ;)

One of my favorite HGTV shows is Divine Design with Candice Olson. I end up loving all of her designs show after show. As an addict I have seen enough shows to notice a certain trend of hers. Mirrors. I feel like I see a mirror feature in almost all of her designs! Of course they always look classy when she designs them in the room (they are usually featured like the picture to the right), but still, it got me thinking. Mirrors are so beautiful and are a GREAT way to reflect light as well as making the room look larger.  So why am I just now realizing this simple design fix?

Think about it. Whether large or small, they are in almost every room in a house. Bedroom, bathroom, dinning room, living room, hall ways, entryways, etc. (and of course TV's can act as mirrors for family rooms too!) They are such a natural part of design, but usually people notice them only when they notice themselves in one... Mirrors are such simple and understated design tools.

So here's a special tribute to my favorite mirror designs and decor!


 Broken mirrors are just as beautiful as whole mirrors!

Hope something here has inspired you to actually look at mirrors instead of yourself in them. But no worries, a quick hair and make up check is still ok. ;)

I do not own these photos

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